Text Us! +1 801-877-0892
A community for all-in BYU entrepreneurs
For help starting a business
<$5K in Revenue
Networking & Finding Partners
Validation & Refinement
Early Traction
Company Foundations.
For help scaling a business
$5K+ in Revenue
Scaling Operations
Marketing & Sales
Hiring & Team Management
Supplier Relationships
Investor & Mentor Relationships
We want members who not only benefit from but can contribute to the community.
The following considerations have been established to help determine Seed membership eligibility. The more of these considerations you meet, the greater your chances of being accepted.
All Companies
$5k in lifetime revenue
$50,000+ in external funding (e.g. SAFE note)
Active Summer Launchpad Program Participant
Received the $5,000 Miller Traction Grant
Proof of Product
Software: Formal beta test program
Physical Product: Proprietary Samples
Entrepreneurship through Acquisition: Validated searcher
Questions about whether you'd be a good fit? Send us a text!
Here's some of the questions we get asked often
Weekly Activities (w/food): Forums, speakers, fun activities.
Networking: Learn from other business owners and make friend with those who will help you succeed.
Annual Retreat: Our most recent trip was to San Francisco!
Mentoring: We've got connections at Thread Wallets, Stance Socks, Adobe, and SO many more!
Office Space: Get space to work on your business with your team!
Swag, Grants & more!
You can get funding for your business by applying for Seed Grants. Learn about Seed Grants at creators.byu.edu/seedgrants
We're currently in the middle of a branding redesign, so we don't have all of the information on our site! We'd love for you to send us a text or give us a call to reach us: +1 801-877-0892 .